Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 - Fullscreen

Guide with all the necessary steps so that you can change the components of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Remove back cover

We start by removing the back cover which is attached. To detach it, we will heat it to about 60ºC during a minute approximately, thus we will soften the adhesive.

With the hot lid we introduce an opening tool and slide it around the contour to separate it from the chassis. We will take care not to insert the tool much so as not to damage the flex cables, especially on the right side seen from behind.

Step 2 Despegar pantalla

Ahora realizaremos el mismo proceso para despegar la pantalla. La calentaremos a unos 60ºC durante un minuto aproximadamente.

Con la pantalla caliente, introducimos una herramienta de apertura y la deslizamos por todo el contorno para separarla del chasis. Evitaremos el lateral izquierdo de la pantalla que es donde se encuentran los cables flex de esta.

Step 3 Separate screen

Before separating the screen we will have to disconnect the flex from the motherboard. Then, with the warm screen, we will open it carefully as if it were a book to finish off the side that we need.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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