Surface Book 2 (tablet) - Audio jack

Guide with all the necessary steps for you to change the components of the Microsoft Surface Book 2 (PGV-00017) yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 screen

We apply heat to the edges of the screen with a hot air gun, and with the help of as many spikes as necessary we will take off the screen.

Step 2 Fullscreen

We unhook the two shields of the photographs, and disconnect the two flexes that join the screen and the motherboard.

Step 3 Upper armor

Remove the eleven Torx screws (T4) that hold the upper shield.

Step 4 Screws

We remove all the Torx screws (T4) that hold the motherboard and speakers, and disconnect the rear camera as another screw is located below.

Step 5 Adhesives

We take off the adhesives and disconnect the cables that prevent us from later removing the motherboard with the components.

Step 6 Motherboard with components

We take off the front cameras and the audio connector, and we can unhook the motherboard with components.

Step 7 Audio jack

We disconnect and remove the audio connector that we have to change.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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