Surface Book 2 (tablet) - Drums

Guide with all the necessary steps for you to change the components of the Microsoft Surface Book 2 (PGV-00017) yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 screen

We apply heat to the edges of the screen with a hot air gun, and with the help of as many spikes as necessary we will take off the screen.

Step 2 Fullscreen

We unhook the two shields of the photographs, and disconnect the two flexes that join the screen and the motherboard.

Step 3 Upper armor

Remove the eleven Torx screws (T4) that hold the upper shield.

Step 4 Screws

We remove all the Torx screws (T4) that hold the motherboard and speakers, and disconnect the rear camera as another screw is located below.

Step 5 Adhesives

We take off the adhesives and disconnect the cables that prevent us from later removing the motherboard with the components.

Step 6 Motherboard with components

We take off the front cameras and the audio connector, and we can unhook the motherboard with components.

Step 7 Drums

We wet the adhesive with alcohol, and with a flat tool we will gradually take off the entire battery, it is very well glued, so you have to be very careful not to damage it.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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