Energy x7 Quad 3G - Motherboard

Guide with all the necessary steps for you to change the ENERGY x7 Quad 3G motherboard yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Back cover.

The back cover is very well assembled, you will need the metal opening tool to make enough pressure on the metal tabs.

The side keys are loose, separate them when opening the lid.

Step 2

Separate the back cover.

Remove the Phillips screw located next to the speakers.

Step 3

Use the plastic opening tool to pry the plastic frame.

Help yourself with the prong to release the lashes that hold them.

Step 4

Remove the adhesive that covers the speakers.

Peel off the speakers and separate the plastic frame.

Step 5 Cameras

Remove the adhesive covering the camera connector and operate the plastic tab.

Step 6

Unplug the flex from the motherboard and remove the cameras by peeling off the back.

Step 7 Digitizer (touch screen)

Remove the adhesive covering the digitizer connector.

Unplug the flex by pulling on the tab of the connector and pulling gently on it.

Step 8 Display LCD

Disconnect the flex cable from the display by operating the connector and gently pulling the cable.

Remove the 4 Phillips screws that hold the motherboard.

Step 9 Battery

Peel off the battery with the plastic spatula.

Step 10

Peel off the stickers that hold the headset, vibrator and flex.

Step 11 Flex with audio connector and side buttons

Remove the 3 Phillips screws that hold the audio connector.

Activate the connector tab.

Step 12

Unplug and detach the flex cable next to the audio connector.

Step 13

Finally, take off the side buttons.

Step 14

Separate the vibrator from the housing and detach the antenna with the prong.

Step 15 Antenna 3G.

Remove the piece of tape that holds the antenna cable.

Carefully peel off the 3G antenna.

Step 16 Battery

Unsolder the terminals of the battery, applying heat with the tip of the soldering iron while gently pulling the cable.

Step 17 Components

Repeat the process with the other components: vibrator, speakers, antennas and microphone.

Step 18 Motherboard

Remove the 4 Phillips screws that hold the motherboard.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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