ZTE Blade A610 - Auxiliary plate

Guide with all the necessary steps so that you can change the components of the ZTE Blade A610 yourself.


Tutorial: Step by step

Step 1 Tray

First of all we must extract the tray of the cards.

Step 2 embellecedores

We remove the trims from the back shell by using a tool that is thin enough.

Step 3 Back case

Remove the six Phillips screws (PH # 00) that hold the housing, and with the help of a tool we uncouple all edges of the housing.

Step 4 Lower antenna module

Remove the 4 Phillips screws (PH # 00) that hold the lower antenna module.

Step 5 Battery

We disconnected the interconnection flex and the battery, and take off the battery.

Step 6 Auxiliary plate

We disconnect the coaxial cable, the flex screen and take off the interconnection flex, and we can remove the auxiliary plate with the flex.

Step 7 Vibrator

Finally, we will desoldaremos the vibrator of the auxiliary plate that we are going to replace to weld it to the new plate.

Video Tutorial summary

In this video you can watch a quick summary of the tutorial, but we recommend to follow the complete tutorial, with its explanations and detailed images.
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